Halton Heights

Looking back home

It's been a working Sunday I'm afraid, trying to finish a job that's been put off for way too long. It's fiddly and tedious but occasionally requires a bit of research and that bit, at least, has been quite interesting - all to do with the mapping of infectious diseases from another system into ours. I could have done it more quickly but I find it very difficult not to do any job to the best of my ability. I don't like to cut corners. I know from experience that it almost always costs you in the long term.

Thanks for your lovely feedback and hearts and stars on yesterday's signature shot. I did make time to spend a couple of hours browsing blips last night but that only put a small dent in the list of journals I'd like to catch up with. I'm sorry if I didn't get around to a visit to yours.

So only time for a short cycle today, out to Embsay and Halton Heights, about 25 miles. The legs actually felt a bit more lively than they did yesterday. I think the training is already beginning to have a palpable effect.

I'm noticing that it's becoming harder on my regular cycle routes to find shots that I've not posted here before. It's almost surprising to realise that this one is new, as it's one of my favourite views, looking back to Ilkley from near the top of Halton Heights. I can actually see this spot from where I'm now sitting (ignoring the fact that it's now dark!), so in theory, with a powerful enough zoom, you should be able to see the roof of my house in this shot. It would be about 10 miles away.

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