Only the Tips...

...of the reeds are sticking out above the ice in the (still) frozen pond at the Emerald Preserve, & I figure the tips are only a TINY part of the plants, so this is my entry for TinyTuesday. Thanks to Cathy1947 for hosting. Today was a very long day. We spoke with Tom's doctor at 10:00 this morning about the treatment options, and Tom chose to try a new pill, similar to the one he was on at this time last year, only it targets a different mutation than the first one did. We're not sure yet when he'll start it, as it's pending the office getting funding for us. I'm sure many people don't realize that relatively new cancer drugs come with a hefty price tag--as in 28,000 to 32,000 dollars per year--so the majority of people couldn't afford to take those drugs if we had to pay for them out of pocket. Luckily, the Leukemia Society has various corporations that will step in to cover the costs, leaving just a small co-pay for us to cover. Hopefully they'll be able to arrange that for us so Tom can start taking it. At noon we headed over to the clinic for Tom's transfusion, as he needed another unit of blood today. I walked in the Preserve for the first hour just to keep busy. Then I sat in the car to make some phone calls to clear up a few problems, then up to sit with Tom while his transfusion was finishing. We had some stops to make on the way home, & because it was getting late we picked up some food on the way home so I wouldn't have to cook. Big Happy Face for me because I hate to cook, so anytime I can get out of it, I will!  I always say if I ever won the lottery the first thing I'd do is hire a cook! LOL.

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