Needing a Vacation

Finally hit the proverbial wall yesterday...feeling jaded and brittle and completely out of patience, which is all so unlike me. Then I realized that I hadn't had a vacation in ages. These are such odd times...I can't go away, really, being unvaccinated and certainly can't go anywhere there are people. But it doesn't mean that I have to work all the time either! So I decided to carve myself out a couple of weeks when I can putter around in the garden to my heart's content - away from email, phone calls, the endless Zoom meetings. So that's coming soon. Probably not soon enough.

When I got home from visiting my parents (being Wednesday) (and yes Louise she beat me at backgammon twice in a row!) I got out my macro lens for the first time in ages and had a blast in the garden. That's a heck of a nice lens and the quality of the photos is proof!

Here's another ranunculus, this time a luscious butter yellow. The raindrops were made by humans, although it did start raining when I got back inside.

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