Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Another day, another trip to the dentist.

And I still have to go back again.

But at least I did get a chance to test the 'be aware' function on these earbuds.

Normally if I need to hear my surroundings but still want music I use bone conduction headphones but I was sent these earbuds to review and I figured well I have to test all the functions. It was really weird. They use the microphones to pick up the surrounding sound and feeds that in with your music which it turns down a bit but not so much that you can no longer hear it clearly. Honestly I don't know how it works but it was weird in a good way. I could hear birds and the sounds of people walking and cars. But it was also windy and it amplified that as well.

Not sure they would replace my bone conduction headphones though, I think they both have their uses.

However my right ear is becoming sore. The left one fits perfectly but I feel like I need a smaller cover cap thing for my right.

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