Blip600 - Puppy Love

The only problem with having a dog that loves me so much is the fact that he keeps trying to kiss me. Now, aside from this being inappropriate, he also has extremely doggy breath and though I love him, I do not want any up close and personal moments of that nature with him!

I had some insipid shot lined up for tonight and then I realised that it was my 600th shot.

Canterbury kindly came to the party and took a few shots of me and the boy. There were some nice sensible ones but this one sums up the love I have for my dog, the fun I have through blip and my photography and also the risks (and joy) of working with animals.

My photography skills continue to improve though during this busy time of change for us my inspiration has often waned. Still, I plod on through the hard times and enjoy the good times. What else can you do?

I give the usual thanks to the usual people (and dog) for getting me this far.

Thank you also to those extremely thoughtful people, who, seeing that things are bit tough for us right now, have emailed me their support. Your thoughts and prayers really do help. I feel so much stronger, knowing that people who I have never met and who are all over the world care about Cousteau and me. It makes me smile, so thank you again.

In other news:

Went car shopping. Didn't find anything.

Cleaned the oven - yawn. Had better finish that tomorrow.

Went to my first Easter Vigil Mass.

Night all and thanks again.

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