With remarkable good timing I managed a walk without getting drenched by a heavy rain shower and explored the one remaining local footpath I have not walked during lockdown. This is a typical view of farm buildings in our valley with the South Lakes' undulating hills and many stone walled fields 

It took me a few km on my Virtual Walk along Hadrian's Wall. I crossed the River Eden over fine footbridge and followed the south side of the river through Carlisle, past a model of Hadrian's Wall . The Google Street view man can hop from photo to photo  so I can see the model on-line. I can tell from the OS map that Hadrian's  Wall crossed the River Eden very near Carlisle Castle  which now hosts the museum to the Kings Own Border Regiment.  I fear  no café but there are some virtual tours online with some great old photos.  The website that hosts my virtual walk plants a tree for every 20% completed. I've now done 80% so they've planted 4 trees , somewhere in the world, not sure where. 

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