Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Mammy

and me

I honestly don’t remember my mammy ever being cross or irritable. The mammy was blessed with a sunny disposition.

She came from a family of 5 siblings... all extraordinarily handsome and living in central Dublin and all apprenticed to Clerys (where their Dad worked). I think this is called a closed shop, but I need to do further research.

So today I salute the mammys, the mums, mummys, moms... dosna matter really what you called your mammy. She nurtured and gave birth and she gazed down upon you and just did her best: but it ain’t always easy.

My mammy is with me now and bacon cabbage on the menu.

(Cabbage is vgfy - just ask the 96 year old ... due to be 97 in April and still doing the cryptic crossword)

Yep ... you heard it first here. Cabbage water is the bomb shizzle

Just ask the mammy

Happy Mother’s Day to the Mammys out there. I am so glad I got to be a mammy


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