Saxifraga Apiculata Alba

Yay it's been an outdoor day!  Friend Helen came over early morning and we had a short walk in he Estate.  We saw all sorts of folks on our circuit, beginning with JeanneB53 and Hubby C with whom we discussed backstreet hairdressing!  We paused to pick up takeaway coffees from the Ivy Cafe and then headed back as it was getting very busy around the pond. 

After lunch I headed out in to the garden to get to grips with a few jobs.  A conifer has sat outside the front of the house for many years in a too small pot.  For the last few weeks it has been at an angle, exposing its roots as if to say, 'look at me I'm hanging on here!'  It now has a nice new pot and plenty of compost.  I imagine it will be dead by the morning!  A second new pot now houses the Mahonia which will need some companions to set it off.  From there it was to the rockery and some weeding.  At this stage in its development it's not always easy to spot what should and shouldn't be there, but there was definitely plenty of sorrel which had migrated from the mini meadow, so that had to go.

Several of the alpines are on the way out, including this saxifraga.

And now it's 'Unforgotten'.

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