A time for everything

By turnx3

A floral collage for English Mothers Day

Our second week of in person worship, though the live stream is of course still continuing, for those who still don’t feel comfortable attending. It was a good message, leaving you with plenty of food for thought. Last week, instead of coffee and cake/cookies afterwards, they had little bags with a couple of cookies for you to pick up on the way out. This week they had the same, but they were also serving coffee outside.
This is the first year we haven’t had a Mother’s Day card to send, since Roger’s Mum died last October. American Mothers Day isn’t until May, so there weren’t any cards for me either! We were both blessed with wonderful Mothers, so whilst we don’t have one to give a physical bouquet to this year, I have made this floral collage in their memory. My Dad kept a beautiful garden, which Mum really enjoyed, so I know she would enjoy it.
I made us some curried parsnip and carrot soup for lunch, then in the afternoon we went to Ault Park in Cincinnati. We went first to the more formal gardens, where I knew there would be at least a few Spring flowers - it’s a particularly beautiful sight a bit later in Spring when all the blossom trees are out. Then we walked some of the woodland trails before returning home.
Step count: 9,026

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