Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

The Bongs

Lockdown 3.0 Day #71

Took my Dad to the Chiropodist this afternoon and whilst he was there I took a quick walk over "The Bongs". This is the area of land by Halton View Bridge and was where my mum used to play when she was a child. Of course it didn't look like this then - it was just a piece of wasteland that lead down to the brook on the left, but they were not allowed to play near the brook. Not because of the risk of drowning in the water - it wasn't very deep - but because the water in the brook contained lots of effluent from the surrounding factories and you never knew what was in it! Mum said that they used to jump over the brook as it was quicker than going around the long way but didn't let on to my Grandma. However, one day they came unstuck as my mum fell in and was very stinky when she got home - and the game was up! 
They also used to get a piece of cardboard in the summer and use the long grass to slide down the bank.....things were so different back then :) 

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