Tree Time 2021 part 3

Feeling almost fully back to normal now! We had the Astra Zeneca vaccine and two days later it is in the headlines - and not in a good way! Reading up it doesn't seem that there is much real evidence that it does cause blood clotting issues. I'm not really worried about that. I just wonder what will happen if they now decide to "cancel" it. Will those of us who had one shot then have to have a second dose of something else and hope for the best, or start again at dose one with something different? Again a bit of an unknown quantity having had one of a different vaccine already.... Or just remain in limbo with the one dose... I guess we will cross the bridge when we come to it.

I decided to take my tree photo today. Still no real sign of life but next time I'm sure there will be. It was a pretty gloomy day but I liked the moodiness of the clouds, and decided to mess about with some cross processing.

I had  couple of calls today from people in the dementia care team to say that they have a potential respite place for my Mum. As I half suspected may happen when it came down to it, my Dad appears to be getting cold feet. 

I hope to persuade him to take the chance to have a rest and recharge his batteries and let them at least try to put some outside help in place for him but at the end of the day it will be his decision. He told them it has not been so bad this week - but even if it hasn't it will only be a matter of time before we are back here again. The situation is not going to improve long term unfortunately.

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