Gorgeous Day!

But very, very chilly this morning! 29F/-2C and frost everywhere. Nothing in the garden seemed to mind, and it warmed up slowly to about 52F, but the sun was brilliant and the skies so blue! 

I puttered around the kitchen this morning, re-arranging things and gathering extraneous stuff for Goodwill donation. When it was warm enough I went out the garden and got a lot done in my big border in front of my house. There's still a lot left to do, but it doesn't feel overwhelming anymore. 

My husband had noticed this moss growing on top of our trash hutch the other afternoon...just as the late afternoon light hit it...and had suggested I have a look. I happened by it just a few minutes ago and went back indoors to get my camera. This moss is maybe an inch tall at bet, and those dark needles are deodar cedar needles, to give you a sense of the scale. It's seldom that I manage to take a photo for a challenge...but I think this is perfect for Tiny Tuesday!

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