
By D77


Students: "Happy Easter Mr David!"

Me: "Thanks."

Students: "What is Easter?"

Me: <Deep Breath>
"Well, there was once a man called Jesus who went around telling everyone he was the son of God. This upset some people who thought he was lying and so they tortured him, nailed him to a big plank of wood and left him until he died and then buried him in a big cave. A huge stone was put over the entrance to the cave so that no-one could steal the body. Three days later, some people came to check the tomb and saw that the stone had moved and that Jesus wasn't there. He had come back to life! He then went around for a while speaking to a few people before floating up to heaven to live with God, who is kind of the same person, and watch over everyone who is a bit naughty and forgive them."

Students: <Bemused look on their faces as if I've just told a ridiculous made-up story.>
"Are you going to pray in a church today?"

Me: <Must be culturally sensitive, must be culturally sensitive, must be culturally sensitive...>

Students: "Why?"

Me: <Oops>
"So, if you could just open up your books at page..."

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