Holyrood and Edinburgh’s Disgrace

It is surprising what opening the blinds to a morning of sunshine can do to a girl. There was I up and out of the house just after 8 am for another stroll round Arthur’s Seat-anti-clockwise this time. Seeing the views from a different direction makes it more interesting.
Although it was quiet on my way up to Dunsapie Loch, by the time I was on my way down to Holyrood the joggers and cyclists were puffing their way up. The road round the hill has been closed to motorists which makes it all the more pleasant for pedestrians.

I was home in time for coffee and with the endorphins kicking I took the bull by the horns and booked the ferry for my return from Orkney in July. I’m not so confident about the timing of getting there in June, it all depends on Nicola, but you know about hope springing eternal in the human breast.

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