In His Moggy-Bed!

Minstrel spends more time in his proper cat bed now that it is in a very cosy spot by the radiator in our bedroom. The pipes under the floor warm the bed up and the radiator warms him up. It could be a better shot - he moved as I took the shot due to a small insect flying in front of him!

This was not my intended shot for today - I took some photos in the village, but decided that the subject would look much better on a brighter, sunnier day.

When I arrived at my Folks' today one of the social care team was at the house talking to my parents. Today is the first time my Mum has really shown the full extent of her fury to an official person. I had at times wondered if some of them thought my Dad and I were making stuff up, but they will definitely be aware now.

After she had left it was my turn for both barrels! 

The lady called me again while I was at their place, and once more when I arrived home , making a few more enquiries of her own in between and it would seem they are now aware of my Mum's full medical history and that just a normal care home will not help her - she needs more qualified and experienced care. Hopefully we are now headed in the right direction.

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