Not A Drop

No water (or any other liquid) was used in the making of this........ it is some of the 'drips' and 'runs. left in the mixing jug from using the resin.

There were some nice wispy clouds this morning - just right for the infrared camera.

The monsters stopped off for lunch when school finished (by prior arrangement) and spent the afternoon with us.
Squirrel was saying that they have not been doing as much work at school as they had been when home schooling but thought there would be more next week. It didn't stop The Cygnet being grumpy and tired (but his character means he will have been working hard to please the teachers and letting them she how he has been doing).
We walked them over to the playpark which was heaving (I gave up counting when I hit 50 - adults & kids).
Squirrel spent most of her time climbing up the ropes to come down the slide.
The Cygnet spent a fair while building up to a run on the moving ring because it was the only piece that wasn't being used. He eventually asked if we could go home as it was just too busy.
Surprisingly, Squirrel was quite happy to leave as well. On the way back she said that a group of kids had starting pushing the others down the slide so that others at the bottom could throw chipped bark in their faces as they reached the bottom of the slide.
I wish she had come and told me at the time. But at least she hadn't used her martial arts on them.

I took some pictures of the windswept trees - not that you can  see the wind effect from this angle. The colour on the shot is due to it being taken on the infrared camera. This is a composite of 4 shots and converted to black and white.

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