
By Grammy

One of Seventeen

Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. This is the sanctuary of a church in our county that was established in 1759 and named in his honor. We counted today and we have 17 Catholic Churches (all but two used daily) spread across 357 sq miles of land in St. Mary’s Co. Later in the month, I’ll give more county history. It was a bit windy but we had delightful sunshine most of the day. I got a thumbs up on my lung capacity during my first in person visit to my asthma doctor in 12 months. Hubby picked up the rest of our meds and visited my mother who had Easter gifts for him to distribute. My sister dropped off partially finished projects so I can do my part. We did a bit of house work and laundry. Later in the day, we took a grandson to a new math tutoring company; hoping for positive results. Leftovers for dinner and time to prop up our feet and read. Sometimes in life, like St. Joseph, we have to set aside all our doubts and just trust in God. Thanks for the visits, stars and nice comments.

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