twinned with trumpton


0630 and out into haar for my 10km to Cramond and back. Shortly after Gypsy Brae the sun popped through and Cramond was a peaceful sunny spot, before I returned to the haar and OT.

Alex to school (see photo); he's very tired after his first full week in a while.
Tom stuck about til lunchtime, grappling with algebra; sometimes getting it, then losing it, then regaining it. He struggles but usually gets there.

I knocked off about 1; slept for an hour then went to Pensioner's for a party (a tea party, obv) 
We sat in the sun in the sitooterie and I was regaled with the drama of the SK's hospital visit. Tides, Inchkeith and Robert MacFarlane were also discussed. Dwalleta - i saw him eat whilst I was there; he'll not fade away just yet!

Then to town; She finished her work; Ottolenghi seafood stew was rustled up, before she slumped into sleep and I sloped off on my cycle. 

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