The V Day - AZ Vaccine

The blue letter arrived last Thursday and today wandered down the hill to the Dewars Centre for my appointment at 1040.  There were 12 other neighbours of ours there at the same time.  They must’ve doing it on addresses.  It was all very well done and didn’t have long to wait.  There are 20 vaccinators and my one was a lovely dental nurse called Louise from Kinross. We had a good old chat and I must say that unlike the flu jag in November I didn’t feel a thing she was very good.  She did mention this needle was a lot smaller than the one she normally uses!  

We sat in the wall outside in the sun with Steve and Audrey two doors up from us and we went on to their balcony for coffee when we got home.  Nice to sit and relax again and chat to folks.  

While I was there my mobile rang and it was Rae my hairdresser offering me an appointment for the first week of them opening!!  Sunday 11april at 4pm!!  Absolutely fantastic! He said it will be quiet then so if we need to have a bubble then it will be quiet.  He’s a friend as well as a dog owner and he knows the sadness.  I cannot wait to get the hair styled and coloured :).

Popped over to deliver a present to Sue over the road  as it was Sue’s 60th .  She wore her 60 tiara to the vaccination centre and one of the volunteers on the door bowed to her as she arrived LOL!!

Ben arrived later - we had fun doing dancing boomerangs Paps had a photo shoot with him practicing for the wedding he is doing in September.  

Temps were 19 degrees how amazing.

Can’t believe it’s a week already since our girl left us.

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