Think yourself younger

These wee piglets saved the day. I had nothing for Blipfoto when I went out for an early evening walk having spent the day glued to my computer listening to the FT Digital Festival.
The piglets are a new addition to a smallholding up the road. I look forward to watching them grow throughout the summer though I will try not to think what their inevitable end will be.
On a lighter note I downloaded an app  recommended in this weeks New Scientist: “How to think yourself younger.”
Your chronological age is not the same as your biological age though it was news to me that there is also a psychological age too.
Well, the app started with a request to upload a selfie. Normally I would primp myself up i.e. comb my hair, but I felt mentally exhausted after listening to the Digital Festival all day so I just grabbed the phone and took a photo.
Instantly the algorithm came back with the message:
“You have uploaded an image of a much younger person. Take it again.”
So I did. There followed a couple of questions and back came my psychological age- 16 years younger!
Of course the real killer is your biological age but that requires a blood test etc.
Still, this was a bit of fun and certainly lightened my mood .
You’ll find  the app at: Let me know how you get on.

For light relief go to extra.

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