An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Bag of treats?

Backblipped 21.03.21

Sadly not Lola, although there may be an ancient and very squashed banana somewhere in there.  He has form.

A lovely sunny day.

Online meeting with Alan's dietician this morning.  She is happy that he is maintaining his weight gain and hopes for his next appointment she will be able to visit in person and see him.  It actually doesn't seem that long since she was here but it's well over a year.  Time really is flying!

This afternoon we spent time in the garden discussing the BGC (big garden clearcut :-) and deciding what had to go.  Turns out rather a lot.  We are clearing one whole bed where sadly the weight of the snow completely uprooted our weeping willow.  Huge clear out of the borders too of plants that are past their best or have completely outgrown their space.  Hoping a few can be transplanted in other areas.  

It was so lovely spending time in the garden and the sun was actually quite warm.

After dinner had a FaceTime get together with friend Karen from down south and Kee, who's the daughter of my friend AM.   AM is currently in hospital awaiting an organ transplant and really has been through the mill.  I want to do a Chookie Birdie painting for her so we were discussing the theme of that and having a right giggle at some of the things I plan to include.  We all (including AM) have a very irreverent sense of humour, so I hope it will bring her some joy and laughter when she sees it.

And in the blink of an eye, the day was over.  

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