
By Livingandloving

evening ride

I knew I had to get up and at em' Sunday, or it would be another wasted day. I got some stuff done around the house, then Sugar and I headed into town to run some errands. I had to find something to wear to my cousin's wedding that is almost here. I'm not a big fan of clothes shopping, but we worked it out and I got a few options.

We had a nice lunch together, and then grabbed a few groceries. We ran into several folks we know, and had a chit chat here and there.

We got back in time to for an evening bike ride. Well.....the Sugar rode while I sad in a lawn chair and read. My stomache wasn't feeling all that great, so exercise wasn't really sounding good. I did enjoy readin in the sun for awhile. The breeze sent us running for the house where The Hubby had dinner waiting. It was a rather lovely way to end our day.

PS. I Back-blipped Saturday.

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