Toofie has an extra toof

Monday came so much sooner than we wanted. Grumpily, we head off in our separate ways. I hear that school was lovely, and work

After I picked up Sugar from the bus, we had to run to the bank to settle some finances for our taxes. This time of year is a bit depressing with how much money we pay in taxes, and yet still....everything seems so messed up. I bothers me so much that our schools don't have enough funding. sigh......

So to cheer us up after the taxes errand, I treated Sugar to a bit of frozen yogurt. It made us smile. She did find that the gummy hearts she topped her yogurt with got wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too hard, and she further loosened a tooth that has been wiggly for months.

Then we went home for dinner, homework, and bedtime. During dinner, Sugar gave out a squeak while eating an orange, and fished her tooth right out of her mouth. This is the 9 tooth she has lost. She was feeling rather proud. She fetched "toofie", that I made for her right before she lost her first tooth years ago. She loves putting the tooth down into Toofie's mouth. I snapped this shot before she tucked the tooth away. The back of this tiny pillow has a nice pocket for the tooth fairy to deposit treasure. :) Sometimes she hangs Toofie on the doorknob of her room, and sometimes she snuggles Toofie. Either way...I'm sure it is easier than finding a small tooth under the pillow. The tooth fairy must thank me. :)

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