One year later

Both of us weren’t too great today.  Just sad .  I sometimes think about us grieving over our Breagha being gone and how sad we are in terms of folks grieving for a human especially at these Covid times and I know it’s not the same but again, we have had this dog with a big personality for 13 years and the past year constantly together so then I think we are justified in feeling sadness and loss.

I thought about going down to Perth bridge and see it lit up yellow for the one year later anniversary but just couldn’t be bothered going out later.

Had a look at last years blip where I dropped off Cameron’s birthday pressie as we wouldn’t get in on his birthday due to lockdown.  It’s strange looking back and reading the words and here we are one year in and still experiencing same thing.

When at mum’s today I found this picture with two others in her Dad’s wallet.  I like how he had kept this pic of her all these years ago In His wallet.  This must be around 1931.

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