Here we go again – Day 79

This afternoon we met our friend Fiona in the park. Fiona has lived in Edinburgh for at least the last 50 years and do you know what?........................ she's never been up most of the Edinburgh hills (and there's seven within the city boundary) so Ann is on a mission to make her walk to the top of all of them. Last week she made her walk up Blackford Hill with us.

Today the plan was to walk to the top of both East & West Craiglockhart Hill. Mmmmmm............. somehow 'the plan' morphed into Ann & Fiona sitting on a park bench drinking Prosecco??!! Well you have to make the most of the sunshine don't you?

While we were sitting there, a whole classful of kids came along with their teachers and went off doing stuff. Not actually quite sure what they were doing, but I could hear loads of them saying how cute and gorgeous I was and I wanted to go and play with them. But I wasn't allowed. Boohooo! However, Fiona had brought a ball for me to play with and she'd also brought me treats. Yay! Ann never seems to bring treats out on my walks anymore. Boohoo!

After about an hour of the humans sitting on a park bench like a couple of old alcoholic bag ladies, we walked home and passed a couple of neighbours having a chat. Ann overheard one of them say to the other, 'that dog is the friendliest little dog ever.' Ann was so, so proud of me. It's lovely to get compliments isn't it?

And that's it for today. Nothing more to report.

Toodles. xx

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