Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jammy doughnut

Robert, the Man with a Van, came round this morning, as arranged, to pick up some of our clutter to take to the dump. He was clearing out his garage, and had plenty of room. Good job done.

I took Archie out, as JR had - yes - a midday fitness session. As a No 5 bus was just arriving, we hopped on it. I have been seeing queues, on Instagram, at the doughnut shop down town, and once I’d thought of doughnuts, it was inevitable. We sat in the sun (it was very cold in the shade) and I enjoyed my treats, while Archie looked on. (Extra 1) He got a teensy weeny bit of doughnut at the end.

As we walked back by the shop, I spotted a schnauzer in the queue (with its humans!), and they all caught up with us further on. We stopped to have a chat (the humans) and Murphy (for it was he) was a lovely chap, but he still had his ‘bits’ so Archie was wary. 

We walked through the Gardens and caught the bus back home. (4,827 steps).

We then called in to see Rufus (Extra 2) and his mum. It was sunny and warm out of the wind in their front garden. I was offered a cuppa, or, perchance, a prosecco. Being still on antibiotics (last day!) I had the former, so I phoned JR to come and join Christine in a glass of fizz. A pleasant time was had, chatting to passers by, and of course - discussing the latest twists in the Salmond Saga - a most unedifying episode which has gripped the nation. And it’s not over - Wee Eck will have his say...

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