Evening meeting

Annual General Court this evening for a institution where I am (as of this evening) once again a trustee.  I think they went to town a little too much in asking all the current trustees to have the same background... 

The meeting was pretty dry and utterly frustrating - updates given with no suggestion of when things were to be done or even if they were.  Procrastination is an art with this lot.. 

In other news, the youngest took his Bruder toy catalogue to show the Headmaster for his special invitation tea. The youngest was delighted with his treat and I was given a list of all the treats that were on offer at tea.  

Today I'm grateful for: 
Working on the latest assignment - it's coming together well, although I don't think I'll be finished by the deadline I've set for end of this week
Sneaky sleep when the boys came home, I paid for it in the tidying up of toys that was needed afterwards
Morning walk with the dog, good to get a blast of fresh air

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