MS Activist Meetings

This is me all set up in me chair in the backyard, with my computer and Bluetooth headphones, ready for my meeting with Representative David Rouzer’s Legislative Director; Jason Cooke.

Abby Emmanuelson, of the National MS Society, joined me to help ensure I got the right points across etc and to be my moral support.

Jason gave us his full attention and I believe was truly interested in what we had to say. I very much appreciate the time he gave us out of his busy schedule.

This meeting was followed by another meeting lead by Abby and several of us MS Activists taking part. This meeting was with Charlotte and Tripp who work with Senator Richard Burr.

Once again, Charlotte and Tripp graciously gave us some time out of their busy schedule and allowed each of us to express our personal views on why we thought the $20 million funding for the MS Research Program with the Department of Defense was important as well as support of HR 1332 and HR 366 for expanding Telehealth access.

I had spent my morning going over my notes from the conference from the past two days and ensuring I had a good idea of what I needed to say and how to get my point across.

After the meetings I sat down and wrote thank you notes to Jason, Charlotte and Tripp so they are ready for tomorrow’s mail pick up.

Now I feel like Baron, as seen in extras! I’m emotionally exhausted. These are great opportunities but I worry that I won’t get the point across well enough or should do better.

Happy Hump Day Everyone

Stay home if you can and take care of yourself and each other XX

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