To busker, or not to busker:

that is the question:

Unusually for the beginning of the week there were buskers in town; must be the sun that has made an appearance for the second day this week. One was someone I have already blipped; Marvin. Another looked rather spaced out and seemed to play the same short refrain over and over again. The other is a regular who plays the accordion and has his dog nearby. The dog is usually wrapped up in a blanket. I did not like my shots of him.

So I chose this clump of croci. Very much in keeping with the spring like feel of today.

Dentist first thing, I am having a crown fitted. Today was for preparation and fitting of a temporary crown. The dentist said be careful the temporary is not very strong; try not eat on that side until your next appointment in two weeks.

Today I have to take on BT, they seem to insist on changing my password to solve a problem. It doesn't work but every person I talk to thinks my password is the issue. I also have to sort out Scottish Power; our electricity meter was swapped out at the beginning of December and now we can't do the reading on line because the new reading is lower than the last one. I bet their records are not up to date after all it is only 3 months.

PS I haven't eaten since my dentist appointment and the temporary crown has broken. No I have not been gnashing my teeth at BT and or Scottish Power.

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