Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Pink and pretty

It seems our run of bad luck and things going wrong has not quite left us yet. Yesterday Tommy was scammed by that false text doing the rounds, from ‘Royal Mail’ saying you had to pay £2.99 to get a parcel delivered and in doing so was scammed of all his money in his bank account which was £1400. Gavin and I had both received that same fraudulent text last week but I suppose experience taught us to ignore it, whereas naïve Tommy, who was actually expecting a parcel to be delivered, fell for it. The fraudsters also had the facility to phone him from a number that came up the same as that of his bank, to get confidential bank information from him. He suspected something and phoned the correct bank number back and got to speak to the same person again. Still suspicious he phoned that same number again, but this time from another phone and in this way he got through to the real bank. 

This morning he went into a Natwest branch and managed to get his bank account secured again and he was refunded all the money except for £130 which was the maximum amount the fraudsters could draw from his account without a bank card. A big lesson has been learnt!

This morning I had a very long walk with Xena around our neighbourhood before going into the woods, as I wanted to photograph all the blossom. This beautiful pink blossom is outside a house down the road from us and every year I go photograph these blossoms as they never disappoint.

This afternoon I again had an RPS workshop, this time it was a two part online course on creating Meaningful Portraits at Home. Today was the first session. I do prefer it when they break up the workshops into shorter sessions over a few days as I find I get a headache from concentrating on zoom for too long, I don’t know how Gavin copes with working on Zoom for most of the day. (Actually he is going back in to the office on Monday, being the first day since early December that he has been allowed to do so – and he can’t wait!)

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