Bud robber

A mixed day today - calm one moment and gusty hail or sleet showers the next. I began sorting my slides - 1965 is the earliest I've found so far. 

MrsM called out to say that the bullfinches were on the shrubs again,  so I rushed into the sitting room and grabbed this picture through the double glazing. I had to blow it up a bit as it was quite small, so the final result is not as sharp as I would like. A few fewer buds on the Deutzia!

I picked what I thought was a gap in the showers to stretch my legs this afternoon, but it actually stayed fine all the time I was out. Just took a turn about the houses, snapped a few local street views while the sun was out and dropped off some seeds at a friend's house up the road. 

When I got back another friend was passing and while we were talking the recipient of the seeds came by bringing her son home from school so we all had a good blether while the youngster played with our cats! An average friendly chatty catty afternoon!

Spotted a flowering currant in a neighbour's garden and popped it on as an extra. Thought it went well with the blue sky!

Quote of the Day:

Marty Rubin - “Every bird, every tree, every flower reminds me what a blessing and privilege it is just to be alive.”

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