
Mr hazelh and I were vaccinated this morning. Everything was very straightforward and friendly at the Leith Community Treatment Centre. The person who injected me was a dentist. As he chatted to me, I genuinely didn't even feel the needle break my skin - so much so that until my arm started aching this afternoon, I wondered whether it had all been some sort elaborate joke! My only fear now is that I have started sneezing and feel a bit groggy. Could these be side-effects?

Today was not meant to be a working day for me today, but with two deadlines next week I had no choice but to switch on my computer. I read and sent feedback on a draft PhD thesis that is due for submission next Thursday. Then I ploughed on with the project report that was causing some worry last night (all sorted now).

Exercise today: walk to Leith and back; 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

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