Seeing Differently

Decided to set my camera to mono today and stick to a fixed lens - as an aid to see things differently, which I certainly did. Try it if you feel uninspired. Must admit, I did swap it to colour for the Judas tree in the courtyard you see in the photo.

This is the entrance to part of the local council, where I went to get permission to do some burns on our Land; we have several piles of small olive prunings that we need to get rid of. Jaime and Mike have been cutting off the bits big enough for firewood.

On the way back I got attacked by a bulldog, which latched onto my ankle, I fell over, camera flying, and landed on my wrist, which is either sprained or fractured. And, more embarrassingly, wet myself, it was a huge shock. Have applied ice, Deep Blue, and bandaged it up; if no better in the morning, will have to drive the hour to hospital in Évora...

- a roll-on of Balance in the post from Hamp5on, just when I most needed it, thanks, Lydie
- that the dog's teeth didn't penetrate my trousers and shoes
- that the injury is on my left hand and I'm right-handed

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