Good Friday tulips.

Sunny..a bit cool but a nice day. Slept ok too.
Walkies round Abbey House grounds. 

Nipped to Tesco for food . I thought it would be quiet but it was quite busy.  Normally of course people would have gone off somewhere .

Opened another pack of chicken fillets and the smell was awful  like bad eggs despite the sell by date not being till the 6th . . Sent an email to Tesco as this is  becoming quite common and it's such a waste as I darent take the chance of cooking it. We did last week and it definitely tasted off . Will  be interesting to see if they reply. 

After comments from M about " have you decided to go grey" I decide to dye my hair .The light golden brown seems to have worked and I look less washed out. .. not that anyone will be seeing it except M . I've not bothered doing it for so long as there seemed no incentive. 

Good to see so  many people able to meet up with friends. 
Fingers crossed my brother and wife may be up in a couple of weeks and also  hopefully I can meet up with Flavia 13. 
Just as well we have some nice weather at the moment or M and I would be very stir crazy.
Havd a happy Easter everyone,  whatever you're doing xx

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