Easter Floral Cross

Our nearest church is no great shakes photographically, but this being Easter Sunday, and as I am this year trying to photograph some of the local churches,  I thought I would take a pic. It was more interesting than I expected.

A banner high up announces that the church remains closed, all services are held via Zoom. A poster below talks about an Easter egg hunt in the local area - yesterday. Another window poster, headed The Hope of Easter, sits behind a heavy metal security grill (extra), which I thought was an interesting metaphor for the times. And sitting at the front of the large security shutter which seals the church off from unwelcome intruders was a lovely floral cross. A notice below it invites people to add their own flowers in the period up to Easter Sunday.  It’s a nice touch.

Hot cross buns for lunch. Mini Easter eggs (full size egg will wait). I am attempting Mary Berry’s slow roast lamb lyonnaise (a work in progress). And we are listening to Radio 3, Easter Day evensong live (wow!) from Manchester Cathedral. So Easter is definitely happening here.

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