Horse on a Hill

The hill above our house is full of opportunity: it slopes up quite steeply to a ridge of trees, with what might be ancient furrows striping the slope.  At the top the ridge of trees is in the west, so the setting sun lights the trees from an angle while giving texture to the furrows of the slope at a certain time.

I saw this horse grazing as I returned from a stint of gardening (only tidying edges and removing inopportune clumps of grass from the neglected flower bed) and used my only telephoto zoom to try to capture the slope leading up to the horse.  Of course the horse dipped its head by the time I had my camera and lens organised, but I enjoyed the process nonetheless.

My next project is to capture the trees on the ridge at the right time, but I might have to walk into the field to do so, or use my drone.

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