
By Beewriter


What a great morning we had at the BBC today. The children had to get to school early and we left for Media City at 8.30am. There was a delay but it didn't matter because the staff who were sorting us out were lovely and they arranged for the children to go into the CBBC studio so that they could have a go at presenting the show. They used the auto cues and saw themselves on TV screens. They also dressed up as Little Dick 'n' Dom, which was hilarious.

We all went out to the canal and there was a rope bridge across it with huge red balloons hanging above it. The TV crew filmed the children in close up and cheering. I sent a text to Ellen to say they were filming us for Blue Peter and she wanted me to say hello to Valerie, Peter and John...I have to admit I hadn't heard of Barney but I did know Helen Skelton....I think Valerie is too busy protesting against Tesco nowadays.

Barney and Helen were lovely with the kids, they posed for photos, they chatted and poor Barney endured one of our girls who threw her arms around him declaring her love...very funny. Helen walked across the bridge and had to pop the balloons to get Comic Relief noses, they were also filled with gunk. Barney was in charge of a huge wind machine and sea cadets were in boats throwing wet sponges at her.

We all cheered and yelled her on and it was great fun. I went from one side of the canal to the other taking pics and going where I shouldn't. I was asked to move back but not before I took this shot. Bernadette, from the BBC, who was organising us loved it and asked for a copy. I will be credited if they use it but the BBC won't pay. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Blue Peter badge though!!!

We will all be watching Blue Peter next week to see if we are on the TV. It won't be this week because it is all for Comic Relief which is next Friday.

What a fabulous day!!

Just thought I would add this:

Bernadette, the production manager for Blue Peter emailed me back and said the production team love this photo and it is to be used in the show tomorrow as a surprise for Helen, Afterwards it will go on the CBBC website. She will get back to me about the Blue Peter badge :)))

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