Happy Easter!

A little late in posting, but wishing everyone a happy Easter!  My daffodils came out just in time, a day or two ago. The cross was saved from a previous year’s Palm Sunday service. The card was from my cleaning lady!  How kind she is!

I wasn’t able to attend church today even though our church has just started live services again. Numbers have to be limited and I didn’t get a place, but I was able to watch it online and I was able to attend the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services so I’m happy that others got their chance to attend.

The weather was much warmer than forcasted, which is good because it was a friend’s birthday today and he came over so I could give him his present. Since we can only meet together outdoors right now, the warmth meant our visit could be longer than we expected it to be. We had coffee and a very non-traditional Easter dinner - pizza and soup!

My 8 nights of camping concluded this morning. My weather app said -4C when I woke up, but I think it was slightly warmer in my garden. Thankfully I was warm enough in my tent!  The tent came down this afternoon and everything was washed and put away. I had great fun but I have to say I’m looking forward to sleeping inside! The weather is supposed to get very cold for a few days!  I don’t think I’ll be doing anymore entertaining for awhile! (or sleeping in a tent!)

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, scroll back to my blip on March 28!

If you would like to sponsor me, click here.  Donations are easily made from around the world, any currency!  People have been very generous and I have more than met my goal, but it's not too late to sponsor me if you would like to! 

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