Westward Ho!

Listened during the night to the Obsessed with Line of Duty podcast. Think I fell asleep during ep 3 and some to a dream about my bike & a blipper. Very relieved it was a dream and my bike isn't stolen.

Today was busy deluging the team in emails and finding I didn't make a mistake with last week's billing. Outside it was again sunny, windy and very cold with occasional 'wintry showers' aka snow, which came to nothing.

However, it would appear that appointments will be offered which is a relief. After work I needed to get out and did the round the block circuit. The sun was low in the sky when I got back.

Had quite a few phone calls today including one from my IFA, 90 minutes. We haven't spoken for almost 18 months so most of the chat was Covid and travel related. Turned out we missed bumping into one another at the Batu Caves by a week.

My earlier podcast listening spurred me to reprise the first 3 eps of the current series of L of D back to back. 100% concentration is needed or a subtle plot point is missed.

F2F - 0
Phone calls - 8
Virtual - 0

Recovery day - 74

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