
By DramaQueen

Travelling light

I rang the hospital this morning and they’ve confirmed I will be staying in overnight.boo hiss!

The nurse said not to bring much as they don’t have lockers or much room for anything, so even though they say to bring a dressing gown, you don’t really need one.

I’d already packed a bag you know me, always prepared well in advance but have lightened the load a little in view of this info.

Hygiene products are a must, I can’t stand feeling grubby!
I’d also bought a new nightie and matching robe; both of which are quite lightweight so I’m still taking them. Bearing in mind that during my last stay, they ran out of clean nighties and gowns, I think it’s wise to take them just in case, so I don’t end up baring my arse like the last time!

Headphones and phone charger are also a ‘must have’, to kill time before and after my surgery. Now just to find and download a few things off Netflix so I’m not relying on NHS WiFi.

My transport is booked for the morning; I was told to be ready 2 hours before my appointment (so for 6am) but the ambulance crew don’t event start work until 7am, so I’m not getting up before I need to, though I’ll probably be wide awake anyway :-/

DQ x

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