
I seem to have settled into a habit of visiting Old Sulehay every weekend, mostly because there's always somewhere to park and it never gets too crowded. It's also a very varied reserve and it's interesting to see the gradual progression of spring, with more wildflowers gradually emerging on both the quarry and the ancient woodland. Primrose and violets are still looking wonderful, but they have been joined by sheets of Wood Anemone, though these are not as floriferous as last year. I also found a few flowers of Wood Sorrel, though these were not fully open because of the cold temperature and intermittent sunshine. After a bit of a search I spotted the first few plants of Herb-paris emerging from the soil.

Last week I spotted a few Bluebells flowering in the sheltered southern edge of the woodland. This week they were much more widespread although there's still a while to go before there are carpets of them, probably at least a fortnight before they peak if the present spell of cold weather lasts. However, there must have been many hundreds of open spikes altogether.

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