Herbie rides again!

Another oddly mixed day today. After catching up with 'Keep Oban Beautiful' stuff this morning I decided to have an afternoon in the garden. I planted four more shrubs on the slope - three Cordyline australis 'Red Star' and one Camellia rosthorniana 'Elina', though it's usually sold under its trade name, 'Cupido'. More confusion. It's a medium-sized shrub with dainty leaves, emerging red, and pink-flushed white flowers in February. 

Having done that I decided to do a bit of potting up. I'd grown five small rosemary plants from cuttings and they needing potting on. I hardly need them now, having acquired the big shrub that was dumped on the roadside a few weeks ago and which seems to be OK, so I'll probably give them away. OK, my title might not really be correct as rosemary maybe isn't strictly a herb, but then it isn't strictly rosemary either. In 2017 some bright spark decided that Rosmarinus officinalis should now be called Salvia rosmarinus, so that's that!

At this point there was a sudden hailstorm. I went inside to make a cuppa and by the time I came out again it was over and the sun was shining warmly. I sat outside and enjoyed my tea until the folk across the road started their power washer to clean their paving. Then someone started up a strimmer, so I came indoors to post my Blip!

Quote of the Day:

Sir Richard Steele – “I have often lamented that we cannot close our ears with as much ease as we can our eyes.”

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