Today’s version

A few modifications went into today’s production, but I was building on my newly acquired understanding of blend modes.

First I added the two circular gels that belong to my small Manfrotto LED light.  I had been using the diffuser in some of my previous images, but often you couldn’t see it in the final version.

p.s. I did a six grid version to start with (in extra) I’m not sure which I prefer.

Second I used a tripod for the first time, which makes some things easier - mainly that you can leave the camera fixed and move the objects around on the board.  It did take me ages to gather the stuff and set up though.  I think everything was upstairs and the best light today was coming through the back door.  I’ve still got one or two other experiments I want to try, but then I might have a rest and do something different.  (And I MUST do some household tidying, just to help my brain function again - the house is not dreadful, but my workroom is a tip and the conservatory needs a good sort out.)

Penistone this morning for my usual visit to buy fruit & veg and cheese.  I also got my few supermarket purchases from the Coop which saved a journey into Tesco.  It was snowing as I left - more the ice-pellet sort of snow than the soft mushy stuff.

I had a lovely conversation with Debbie when I got back home - she was just coming back from a walk and we met as I started to unload the car.  She hadn’t heard about my accident, which is hardly surprising as she doesn’t live in my part of the village.  (A very small village by the way.)

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