
This morning when I surveyed Sylvie's litter box I realized that she needs more moisture in her diet, so I started looking online for information about the best wet foods for cats.  There are so many brands, compositions, recommendations, flavors and price ranges that it was pretty overwhelming.  This is just a sampling of the possibilities I've been considering for a couple of hours now.  Tomorrow I'm going to go into PetSmart and try to get a few different individual cans to find out what she might like.

I also spent time looking for birthday gifts for the boys.  Manda made a suggestion, but there was such a variety of possibilities to choose from that, once again, I was online forever before finally just choosing the two I liked best.  I hope the boys will like them too.

A busy day tomorrow - an appointment with the specialist about the new medical problem, follow-up kidney lab tests, an Amazon return, and finally that visit to PetSmart.  It's supposed to be a beautiful day, weather wise, so that will make all the running around more pleasant.

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