
Grey and over cast and it forecast rain. So we decided to walk up to the sea wall and on past the marsh. Half way along and the clouds moved and it was a glorious blue sky and very warm. As a result we were rather warm in our winter weight jackets. Fletch was full of energy and so we walked farther than usual. Took our time as it was so nice in the sunshine . It was also pleasantly quiet. Everyone must still be off shopping! 

Out in the garden trying to take a few photos for this weeks Bokeh theme.  That's when the breeze got up not easy to catch a clear photo when everything is moving. 
Blip is of the maple we have in the pot. Its had beautiful red branches all winter and now the leaves are beginning to open. It's one of our favourites in the garden. 
Sad to see these very cold nights have browned off a lot of my marbled pink camellia flowers. 

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