
By Cumbrialass

Magical Monday

Well, perhaps not magical but this little path through the blackthorn was quite magical , especially as we only discovered this path today. 
One thing about having to find local walks..its possible to see parts of the town you've not been to .. or not for a while.

The plan was to walk to the abbey .. a longer walk  but we thought it would be ok as it was cooler . But the windy was surprisingly icy , so I suggested cutting the walk short and walking  over the hill by the rugby field.

The last time I'd been that way was over 20 years ago. I thought it was just the one field but the path  spilt into 3 and we decide to have a wander. Someone must have planted all the blackthorn  as I dont remember it and we hit it at the perfect time as it was a mass of white blossom, quite magical.  So pretty. 
We spent some time strolling through the fields and paths and found a lane with no idea where it went . It came out into what was original a small village , really no more than a cluster of houses dating back 100s of years . It s now just part of the rest of the town and just to the left of a road I've driven along so many times and never realised what was there. 
At the bottom of the lane we saw a delightful little cottage ( see extras) We got chatting ( long distance ) to the couple who lived there. The cottage had been in their family since the 18th century and dated back to the 1600s. 
A lovely walk, and no more than a mile from home 

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