

Evening light reflects on a channel of water running beside the vast salt ponds at Lake Grassmere in Marlborough, NZ.

The two extra photos show a harvested salt pan and several ‘mountains’ of white salt crystals glowing pink in the evening light.

Lake Grassmere & Salt
This large shallow seaside lake is part of a natural salt production. Seawater from the nearby Pacific Ocean is pumped into Lake Grassmere. Warm north-west winds blow across the exposed lake evaporating the water and increasing the concentration of salt. This extra salty water is pumped into deep holding pens, then into shallow crystallisation ponds. As the water continues to evaporate salt forms as a crust on the bottom of the ponds. The remaining water is pumped out and the dried salt is harvested, crushed, washed and moved by giant conveyor belts to form huge mounds of sparkling white crystals. Information is from website.

Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts for Monday’s White Road vineyard blip - also in Marlborough and visited earlier in the day. The vineyard we visited is 1000 hectares and is one of many in this wine producing area of NZ. I hope I am forgiven for uploading a photo not taken Tuesday - hopefully I am able to photograph and upload on the correct day again and there will be another blip uploaded this evening.

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