
A very welcome greeting on someone's front door entrance in the village seen during the polar evening dog walk. I was invited in, nor did the owners see me but I had to take a photo as it was the only thing that made me smile today.

We ran out of wood pellets for our central heating on Monday morning but as the weather has at least been often sunny, we have managed to heat our large 300 litre water tank to 60°C every day using 'free' PV electricity. And in the evening heating the house using the wood sitting room fire which makes things just about bearable. It's been around -4°C in the mornings and day time not above 7°C. The sun has no strength to fight the bitter cold north east wind that is making life so miserable.

And today.......checking PV hot water progress, see the immersion heater has ended it's days. Was bought in May 2017 more as an experiment to see if if would work. And it did, and how it did. Has been fantastic. So have ordered a new one, but it will not be here before Monday. Of course, it's not due to get much warmer until Monday! Could be an interesting weekend. 

Don't recommend any visitors come around here! Could be a bit smelly.

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