Before the Blossom

What a lovely day it’s been. It started with a frosty cycle round the marches and slightly later a saunter in the peaceful George Square Gardens with only the squirrels for company.

Human company came later when the Merry Widows arrived for our fortnightly get together. It was my turn to produce the nibbles, cake and wine. It was warm enough to sit outside and view the scene through sunglasses.
We spent quite a time counting Bobbies like you might count sheep. We managed a total of 12 patrolling in pairs throughout the afternoon.
The message has finally got through to the people in power that there is a serious problem with the youth of the Central Belt congregating for mischief in the Meadows. They are coming from outside Edinburgh as far away as Falkirk to drink and create Merry hell on my doorstep. Not to day though and not at any time in the near future if the police have their way.

We three oldies, relaxing in the sun,  had a lovely time planning our escape over the next few months when we can travel outside Edinburgh’s borders and have lunches in far flung country places.

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