
By Photogen

Atrium QEUH

Another view from the open circular landing on the first floor of Glasgow's massive hospital which is dealing with every kind of health problem, as well as Covid-19 cases. This shot shows the perspective across the open forecourt to the Roma Cafe, closed late afternoon, but open during the day for volunteers and staff. No visitors allowed in the hospital but a relative or friend can safely leave a bag of goods for an inpatient at a drop-off point which a volunteer delivers. With individual rooms, smart phones, iPads and a good strong free internet connection why risk bringing viruses into hospitals for the brief time most people spend having treatment. After all, as an inpatient you see more people in your room - nurses, doctors, pharmacists, cleaners, caterers, than you are allowed currently to have at home. You are scarcely alone. I hope hospital visiting become a thing of the dim and distant  past! I joined a Zoom meeting with friends when I was an inpatient last month. That's the way to go and keep hospitals as germ-free as possible!

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